
Jul. 30, 2015

INFRA Technology at the 3rd Annual GTL Technology Forum

INFRA Technology participated in the third annual GTL Technology Forum, organized by Gulf Publishing Company, publisher of Hydrocarbon Processing and Gas Processing, in Houston, Texas, on July 29-30, 2015. GTL is an increasingly important part of the North American energy industry. As the natural gas boom in North America continues and new technologies emerge to reduce costs, company interest is increasing—and so is investment. The GTL Technology Forum investigated the technology and trends at work as GTL usage and projects continue to grow in popularity.

INFRA was invited to speak at the conference by the Forum’s advisory board. Dmitry Popov, the company's Managing Director, made a presentation “Gas-to-Oil: New Generation of GTL Technology”, focusing on the capital and operating costs, offered by INFRA's innovative GTL technology. Mr. Popov gave an update of INFRA’s progress in commissioning its own catalyst factory and completing procurement for its 100 barrel-per-day demonstration GTL plant in Houston.